Eating Disorders
Struggling with disordered eating can feel insurmountable as you try to face your biggest trigger many times throughout the day. For many individuals disordered eating and behaviors around food have come to serve as a way to cope with other things going on in their life such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, feeling out of control, poor body image or low self-esteem - to name a few. One may binge or over-eat, or one might restrict their food intake or utilize compensatory behaviors such as overexercising, vomiting, and/or laxatives. Many of these strategies feel helpful in the short-term, however, they begin to get in the way of living our life in accordance with our personal values.
At Living Within Therapy, we will work as a team with your dietitian to support you in identifying the function of the eating disorder and how to meet your needs with other tools and skills. We utilize evidence-based approaches including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral therapy. Working with these modalities helps you learn coping skills to manage urges to use disordered eating and replace the behaviors with healthy coping skills that allow you to reconnect to your life again. We want to help you work toward creating a meaningful and fulfilling life, not one dictated by food and fear.
All of our clinicians can support you with body image issues such as low self-esteem, perfectionism, and unrealistic standards. If you are looking for a therapist who specializes in binging or restricting please see Amber’s page under meet the team for more information. Amber has experience supporting individuals through the recovery process and is here to empower you to fight your eating disorder thoughts and beliefs that get in the way.
Please note, if you’re interested in working with Amber, it is a requirement that you are seeing a Registered Dietician that she can coordinate care with. We look forward to empowering you throughout your recovery!